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UK Schools Advised to Include Gambling Education

The schools in the UK have been advised to incorporate casino gaming into their curricula, as much as they educate students on drug abuse or alcohol abuse.

UK Schools Advised to Include Gambling Education

The Independent Educational Charity – Demos, recently released a two-year program that is meant to give students all the necessary tools they will need to recognize the dangers of gambling and also to teach them how to overcome the most persistent come-ons of the casino gambling industry.

UK Schools and Gambling Education

In 2016, Demos held a program that included approximately 650 students ranging from 14 years to 16 years, across four separate schools. The purpose of this program was to teach students how to weigh risks when it comes to gambling, identify manipulative behaviour, as well as managing impulses.

Demos reported to the media that a year after the program, the number of students that played cards for money had reduced by 7%. Also, there was a decline of 3% in the number of the students that were ‘at risk’. These are the students that admitted during the program that they engage in four different gambling activities almost every day.

UK schools to educate studenst on problem gambling

More so, there were also significant changes in the number of the students that knew how to assist others that are suffering from gambling addiction. The statistics of this group increased by 20%. Lastly, the number of students that would know where to get help when facing gambling addiction also improved as well, by 18%.


Demos has its fingers crossed, they hope that they will convince the government to include education on gambling at schools.

It’s important to know that the founder of Demos has been advocating for casino gambling education in different schools for almost ten years. He bases these programs on the principle that ‘fore-warned is fore-armed’ and merely believes that ignorance doesn’t benefit anyone at all.

The government is currently still looking into this matter. At Kiwi Casinos, we will do all our best to keep New Zealand casino players in the loop with the latest developments. Keep visiting our blog for more news and updates!

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