Manager Prosecuted for Negligence of Problem Gambling Protocol
The Department of Internal Affairs (DIA) prosecuted a manager yesterday for failing to identify problem gambling on his premises. This comes after stricter protocols to observe players that exhibit signs of problem gambling were enacted into law. This prosecution is the first of its kind and is intended to curb the overall problem with gambling in NZ. Under the Gambling Act, owners and employees at gambling venues ought to take stock of the player’s comings and goings in order to minimize the risk of addiction. Read on to find out more about the new legislation.
Steps to Identifying Problem Gamblers
According to the new legislation by the DIA, there are specified steps that gambling operators are required to take. In order to spot actual or potential problem gamblers at the venue, the staff must be vigilant. The Director of Gambling at Internal Affairs hammered the point home, explaining that the burden falls on the gambling establishment as well. “Venues have a legal responsibility to look after their gambling patrons, just like they do when serving alcohol,” explained the director Thornborough. He added that the prosecution should serve as a warning to all gambling operators to apply these rules.
Manager Fined $5000 Over Failure to Apply Problem Gambling Protocol
The manager was to be used as a guinea pig to ensure that other gaming venues make the necessary adjustments. Lest they face the same fate. Justly, the unidentified manager was fined a $5000 and could face criminal prosecution. Seeing as how the DIA has taken the matter of tackling problem gambling in New Zealand, there are questions on how these rules may be applied online.
If you or anyone you know are having problems with gambling addiction, you can seek professional help. Go through our gambling addiction page to find out which steps you can take to get assistance. Additionally, there are self-exclusion options to prevent yourself from falling off the wagon.