Problem Gambling
Petrol station supervisor Brett Laurence Rudman has been caught stealing from stations he supervised to fund his gambling addiction. Rudman, from Wellington, collectively stole more than $60,000 from petrol stations. The 29-year-old stole cash from BP Karori and BP Newlands, tobacco stock, and Motor Trade Association (MTA) vouchers. All totalling $60,000. His stealing spree went […]
A financial advisor from Perth has been accused of ripping off his clients to fund his out of control gambling habit. The man stole an estimated AUD 948,236.96 from a number of clients, and used the money to play casino games. The man made his first appearance in the Joondalup Magistrates Court earlier this week. […]
In a report conducted by the Health Service Executive, the number of people who were treated for problem gambling has extremely increased. These records show that there were more than 250 instances of treatment for gambling addiction in health services in Ireland during 2018. Gambling, alcohol, and drugs are problems that have been pointed out […]