Donaco International Limited, an Asian casino operator, has reported a knock in profits. In recently released financial results for the financial period ending June 30th, it had shown that the company’s loss had expanded by 55.8% on a year on year basis. The company’s loss is set at about $130.88 million. According to recent reports […]
Sportsbet has inked a deal with New Zealand Racing Industry Transition Agency to stream NZ horse racing events in Australia. This deal follows one that was made with Betfair and the RITA earlier this year. The agreement was that Betfair would pay product fees to TAB when it produces odds on horse racing in New […]
The Gambling adverts ban has come into effect in the UK. This means that no gambling ads will be shown on television during sports matches before 9 pm. The ban, which excludes televised gambling adverts on horse racing, was announced by stakeholders in the UK gambling industry last year. This was a voluntary decision from […]
Poker machines spending by Victorian residents increased in the past financial year. In the 2018/19 financial year-end report, it’s revealed that gamblers in the Australian state have lost $2.7 billion. This has become the second-highest losses since the introduction of the Pokies. The report, released by the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation, VCGLR, […]
Wynn Resorts has announced that it will expand in the largest gambling market in the world, Macau, China. It stated that it has planned a $2 billion Crystal Pavilion that will be located next to the Wynn Palace that already exists there. The lavish entertainment company has further stated that construction is anticipated to begin in […]